2023年、日米両政府は、両国の中等・高等教育及び研究分野における協力活動の強化と、定期的な政策対話を開催することを約束する教育協力に関する覚書を交わしました。また、日本政府は、「未来を創造する若者の留学促進イニシアティブ<J-MIRAI> 」の中で、10年間で日本人を50万人海外に派遣、40万人の留学生を受け入れることなど、国際教育化推進の取り組みを提言しています。
11月第3週はInternational Education Week (IEW、国際教育週間)(※)です。
Study Abroad Storiesキャンペーン参加方法
- ハッシュタグ #USJapanStudyAbroad(または#JapanUSStudyAbroad) をつけ、同級生との思い出の1枚、キャンパス内のお気に入りの場所、研究室や部活・サークル活動の様子、留学中に旅行した時の写真、留学中の食生活など、留学や留学生活に関する写真/動画を投稿してください。
- 留学時期、期間、留学方法に制限はありません。
- 「留学先」や「留学を一言で表すと」などのコメントも大歓迎です。
- 個人アカウント以外(教育機関、団体など)からの投稿でも構いません。
- EducationUSA Japan公式アカウントまたは在アメリカ日本国大使館公式アカウントを「フォロー」と「メンション」してください。
Since 2020, educational exchanges between the United States and Japan have been hit hard by the global pandemic. However, at long last, the flow of people between the U.S. and Japan has become more active, and those of you who have been looking forward to studying abroad can now do so in your respective countries! In 2023, the Memorandum of Cooperation on Education between the governments of the United States and Japan was signed to strengthen cooperative activities in the fields of secondary and higher education and research in both countries, as well as to hold regular policy dialogues between the two ministries.
In addition, the Japanese government's "Japan-MIRAI Initiative for the Promotion of Study Abroad for Young People Creating the Future" proposes that 500,000 Japanese students complete international study abroad experiences and 400,000 international students study in Japan over the next 10 years. These goals are expected to further increase international education, international competitiveness, and contribute to world peace and stability.
The third week of November is International Education Week (*An initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to celebrate excellence in international education/exchange).
If you are a Japanese student who is currently or has studied in the U.S. or an American student who is currently or has studied in Japan, we invite you to share your own study abroad experiences as part of our continued campaign from last year.
Your experiences will reach high school and university students who will be making career choices in the future, spread the attractiveness of study abroad, and further promote educational exchange between Japan and the United States. We look forward to your active participation in sharing your fascinating perspectives of studying abroad!
How to participate in the campaign
- Please use the hashtag #USJapanStudyAbroad (or #JapanUSStudyAbroad) and post photos/videos related to your study abroad experiences, such as a memorable picture with your classmates, your favorite place on campus, your laboratory or club/circle activities, photos from your trips during your study abroad, food during your study abroad, etc.
- There are no restrictions on when or how long you studied abroad for you to participate.
- We welcome comments such as "where you studied abroad" or "one word to describe your study abroad experience."
- Postings from non-personal accounts (e.g., educational institutions, organizations, etc.) are also welcome.
- Follow and mention the official EducationUSA Japan Instagram account or the official Embassy of Japan in the United States of America account